Sunday, July 15, 2012


It was amazing!  We stayed at a fabulous resort, we ate well, we went to the beach, we went to the pool, we ran and we slept!
The streak didn't make it through vacation.  The heat was intense so M would workout in the morning and I would go at night.  One night I left to go for a run and while I was driving down to the path it started to thunder and lightning so that was the end of a very short streak.  Balance is a good thing though because I did go for a run the next night and it was good.  Crazy hot even at 9pm but it was still a good run.  

Here are a couple of my favourite shots from our holiday!

Bottom of the waterslide!  Yes M and A are in that splash :)

 G must have made a thousand trips down, he loved the slide!

 Fun in the pool!

 Biking with Dad!

 Amazing sheet lightning in Cranbrook.  This picture was taken about 3:45am.  

Thursday, July 5, 2012

5 days of freedom

Freedom from junk that is :)  The body appreciates the change already!  I've limited myself to popcorn and the chocolate chips in my trailmix (which is minimal).  Already seeing changes on the scale.

The runs are still sucking but they will get better.  That is just what happens when you take most of a month off.  It will come back quickly, I just need to be patient.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Like a mallet

Some realizations are slow, some are quick, some are pleasant and some smack you on the forehead like a mallet.  Sometimes you really are the hammer, sometimes you really are the nail.

The last week I was the nail.

After Gabriel was born I didn't lose weight and was frustrated, turned out it was beyond my control, got my health figured out and started to lose weight just in time to get pregnant again.  After Aoife I have tried a few times to lose weight but never with a lot of dedication.  There was always an excuse to have a treat...birthdays, long runs, movie dates...surviving Tuesday (okay that one was weak but I used it).  The justification was that I was being a role model by being active.  Sure I was not the ideal weight but my kids saw me moving and that had to make up for a lot right?  And yes it does, it is great that my kids "train" all the time.  They run, bike, swim, join me with my personal trainer, and they just move ALL THE TIME!  It's awesome.

Last week it hit me that it does no good to be an active role model if I am not here!  I need to get to a healthy weight not because I don't want my kids to see me as fat but simply because I want them to see me.  

It's that simple, I want to be here.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July Re-Start

I hardly ran in June and I missed it.  

So I am going to try and start a new streak.  Not sure if I will succeed, we are going on vacation and running in the heat is my nemesis.  I am actually a complete fair weather runner.  I like the temp to be in my sweet spot or I head to the treadmill.  To be honest I prefer the treadmill.  But when deprived of my treadmill I like temps from -5 to +20 anything outside of that you are going to be hard pressed to get me to run.  The temps for our vacation are predicted to be up to +33 right now.  That means early morning runs!  There is going to be a whole lot of suck it up to get these runs in!  That is okay, I did runs at 10pm for the last streak, pretty sure I can figure this one out as well.  

July is also my healthy body re-start.  Another reason I love my treadmill so much is that I am very self-conscious about how I look when I run.  I was teased A LOT as a kid about looking like a duck when I run and it took me years before I ran again at all.  While I felt good about my body running outside was not an issue but now that I am not feeling so good about the jiggles in my stride it is a bit intimidating to get outside and run.  I figure no one really wants to see that coming down the path toward them or worse away from them!!  So it's time to get back to a place where I even want to run outside.  That means losing some weight and running lots inside so feel fitter.  Bring it on July!