Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy Birthday G!

A few days ago my little man turned 6, he was so excited!  He is one of the younger kids in his class so most of his friends were already 6.  He ran around the playground on Monday telling everyone that he was finally 6!  It was adorable!  It has been an amazing 6 years.  G is one of those kids that wakes up happy every morning and sees each day as an adventure and it warms my heart to see.  There is no kid who carries more joy in his heart.  This morning I was awake before the kids and reading when I realized G was also awake because he started singing a song en francais in his room.  It made the start to my day even better than it already was!  It is this joy he carries that I so fiercely want to protect.  I realize how fragile it is and I worry about it being broken.  These are the feelings that you get no warning about.  They are not in the parenting books, they are not something that your friends can put into words and they are certainly not something that can be explained.  I want G to believe in Santa, the Toothfairy and magic for as long as he can.  I want him to keep that joy in his heart forever.  I want him to see the world as a wonderful place full of adventure.  When I was pregnant and I said all I want is a healthy baby that was true.  More true than you realize if you were a part of that pregnancy and all that went with it.  Him being born healthy was just the first step, once we conquered that then other wishes came into being.  It comes down to health and joy for me though.  Those are the things that I believe will keep him going when he is faced with the ugliness that is in the world that I cannot protect him from and refuse to lie to him about.  

My wish for both my children is that even though there is blackness in the world for it not to invade their hearts.  Keep the joy, keep singing, keep dancing.  

Keep being you G, you are amazing just as you are!

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