Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fracking Cold!

This isn't news but I'm a wuss.  I stay away from weather extremes.  +40? No freaking way.  -40?  Not a chance.  I just don't enjoy the extremes.  This week has been the coldest temps that I can remember.  -42? I've seen that, but -49 with the windchill, you have got to be kidding me.  On the plus side this should mean that lots of bugs are killed off and maybe my family can stay healthy for a little bit!  Yup, even though I whine about being cold, I can always find the bright side!  

Ironic that with the -49 comes my 49th day of running.  Odd little coincidence that makes me smile.  Yup, I'm also a nerd.

129 days, 41 pounds and 9 minutes to race day!

This is how everything feels to my hands right now:

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